
Showing posts from February, 2011

Week 8 An Evening at Tom's Farms

On Saturday evening, we met Heidi and Ned & their two kids, Ella and Asher as well as April & Wes along with Baby Peyton for an evening at Tom's Farms down off the Temescal Canyon exit of the 15 Freeway. Because its winter, there weren't too many other people there. There were a few Harley riders just leaving when we got there around 6:00. (I understand that this is a popular stopping place for the "Wild Hogs" type of biker....older professional types -- not Hell's Angels!) We started our night by ordering a few pizzas. While they were cooking, we walked on over to the produce stand and picked up some apples, pears, squash, jicama and bananas for the coming days. Me, Ella and John After Shopping, we had our choice of any of the numerous tables out by the fountain and pool where we relaxed and enjoyed some absolutely delicious pizza and great company. Heidi and Asher making a "toast to happiness"! Ella enjoying her orange cream soda. Easy going Pe...

Week 7 -- Gussyin' Up Our Garden Gnomes

Our poor little garden gnomes have seen better days. They've been taking a beating form the heat, wind and rain for years. So, we brought them in, cleaned them up and started sprucing up their paint. I left the paints out on a Sunday afternoon and when the kids came over, most of them picked up a brush and gave a gnome a new coat of paint with maybe some polka dots, stripes or checks. The gnomes are much happier now in their bright new colors. Come on Spring; we're ready for you now!

Week 6 -- A Simple Wedding and Being a Politician's Wife

We live in an unincorporated area of Western Riverside County. There’s a vote in a few weeks concerning becoming a city. John has been active in that cause (Measure A) and, with that , John is running for City Council. John has had many “Meet the Candidate” events in recent weeks but with the family and Relief Society commitments, I haven’t been able to join him at one yet. This Wednesday was another very sweet Relief Society related event –the wedding of one of our recently activated sisters, Elvira, to her boyfriend, Carlos. Bishop Lauritzen married the couple in the Relief Society room and then we had cake and sherbet and Sprite floats while everyone just lingered in the hall by the kitchen -- my kind of reception! After that fun wedding, I made it over to one of the local high schools, to see John in action, as one of the members of a field of 16 candidates for a total of 5 open seats on the, hopefully, soon to be council. (Measure A needs to pass to gain city hood before a coun...

Week 5, An Old Poem That's New To Me

I listen to every day's version of "A Writer's Almanac" podcast (I just upload it from I-Tunes) when I'm alone in my car, driving to and from work. Aside from some interesting facts about writers, literary history and books, on each day's recording, Garrison Keillor reads aloud a poem. This week, he read one which, because its by Dorothy Parker, must be very old but one I'd never heard before but fell in love with. So, here it is, I think you'll like it too. Its about something we can all relate to. Inscription for the Ceiling of a Bedroom Daily dawns another day; I must up, to make my way. Though I dress and drink and eat, Move my fingers and my feet, Learn a little, here and there, Weep and laugh and sweat and swear, Hear a song, or watch a stage, Leave some words upon a page, Claim a foe, or hail a friend- Bed awaits me at the end. Though I go in pride and strength, I'll come back to bed at length. Though I walk in blinded woe, Back to bed I...