Fun at the L.A. County Fair with the Family

We love the Los Angeles County Fair!....we had most the whole family together this year (except our son in law, Ned this time.) We always see the cows and other farm animals in the Big Red Barn, buy ice cold chocolate milk from the cows there, eat corn dogs, barbecue something and ALWAYS share a strawberry & whipped cream funnel cake.

We take at least one run down the huge slide
and visit the flower exhibit building, and will usually stay for the free entertainment at the end of the day.

Demolition Derby -- True White Trash Fun!!
For the last 2 or 3 years, we've timed our fair visits to be on Demolition Derby night. Its always been my dream to be in one. Maybe for an upcoming family activity, we can all get a beater and just go at each other....then I could die a happy woman (and get buried in a Dodger casket)....scroll on down.

Ryan and Carter, my sweet little pets.

Wes and April (my daughter)

My "corny" grandson, Asher

Carter, Ryan and Ella playing in the Dog Park

John and Me at the end of the night.

We call Asher, "Bubba" so we took this photo of him in front of Big Bubba's BBQ.

I really do like the Dodgers, but I think I'll pass on this themed casket idea.....


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