The Best Easter Ever!

This picture pretty much sums it all up....creepy Easter Bunny (best sport ever, Son-in-Law Wes Aleman), cute kids in their Easter finery, babies screaming (Asher who won't even look at bunny-man, Claire who is covertly kicking him/it), and the bigger kids just loving the wacky fun!

The bunny suit actually belongs to our adopted fun Jewish friends the Yish Family. Three of the cute kids above are theirs -- this was their first Easter celebration and they helped make this one of our best Easters ever.

We had each of our four children over, The Yish Family, along with Scott and Karen Broberg (I love my in-laws), a couple of single sisters that I serve with in the Relief Society presidency, one of which has no family to speak of -- other than distant cousins and another who is from Peru and lives with her grown son who had to work on Easter.

I think I've figured out that sharing our fun, feast and family love just makes it all even better. I'm a firm believer that the more the merrier!

Only we get a 6'2" Easter bunny wearing a really cool vest -- wish you had one too don't ya?

Our Easter Bunny making his dancing debut at the egg hunt -- look at the body language of those petrified little boys. What kind of a twisted nana am I to get such a demented pleasure out of seeing these babies I love so much face such terror!?!

The Grandkids on Easter 2011, William, Asher, Claire, Ella, Carter, Ryan and Peyton. I am so thankful for these wonderful little people. I love telling people I have seven grandkids all 7 and under. So, who's going to give us #8?


  1. It was really fun!!!! Easter costume was the best.

    Were working on 8 and should be next, BUT not positive about that one...he he he


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